These are the essential tools for a basic glassblower’s set: jack, tweezers, straight scissors, diamond sheaths, pipes and some crimps. Of course, some of these may have diverse characteristics.
To make the right selection, you need to know exactly what type of work, what objects, and the size of the objects you will be making. The right tool can completely influence the creation of a piece.
A small example: the blades and body of the jacks, change depending on the size and shape of the glass you make. One pair of jacks could be good for modeling a sculpture, but on the other hand, not good for blowing and opening a goblet. It is certainly difficult to make a goblet and a medium-sized vase, with the same jacks.
So you should think carefully before choosing.
You should also know that the tools are very personal; the more you use them, the more you will be at ease with them. The care and “respect” you take in maintaining your tools, is important for their functionality and durability. Proper care of your tools, will pay you back during your work.
Visit the section Glossary to learn about the terms used by the masterblowers during their job.